Human Capital


How we manage human resources, including risks related to scarcity of skilled labour through retention, recruitment and training programmes. We also handle labour relation issues, including freedom of association and non-discrimination, as well as working hours and minimum wages.

Click to view our 2024 Collective Bargaining & Turnover Update.



Career Development

Career development is built into human resources at TI Fluid Systems. Our people are considered for employment, training, career development and promotion on the basis of their abilities and aptitudes, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, religion or ethnic origin. 

We’re continuing to evaluate and improve our human capital approach through our global safety and diversity programs.


Based on our team’s insights about work-life balance, we implemented a company-wide hybrid work model that gives employees the chance to work from home 40% of the time.


We have several initiatives in place to support our employees’ physical and mental health. These include a Global Employee Assistance Programme across all countries which provides a resources for our employees emotional and mental health, a robust health and safety programme ensuring our workplaces are safe, a feedback loop with employees through skip level meetings, employee engagement surveys and a hotline for employees to address potential issues they might have in their location.


Initiatives we have in place, such as:

Inclusivity assessments

Inclusivity education of our top management

Anti-bias training

The implementation of regional diversity committees

Programmes to increase gender diversity

Mentoring programmes for women