Our corporate governance framework supports the successful delivery of our business strategy, as well as ensuring that we lead our teams in a responsible and fair way. Learn more about this approach in our Sustainability Report.
Sustainability Report
The Role of the Board
TI Fluid Systems’ Board spearheads our governance framework, overseeing the management of our business, strategy and culture. It is also responsible for maintaining a sound system of internal controls and risk management (including operational, financial and compliance controls), and reviewing the overall effectiveness of those systems.
We operate in accordance to our Articles of Association and the Board’s written ‘Delegation of Authority’ (approved in July 2015 and updated in October 2017). The Board has established a number of Committees, each of which has its own terms of reference, which are reviewed at least annually.
The Board currently consists of nine members:

The Independent Non-Executive Chairman

The Senior Independent Director

Four other Independent Non-Executive Directors

Two Executive Directors

One Non-Executive Director
The Board meets five times a year, with additional ad-hoc meetings called as and when needed. We keep an annual calendar of agenda items to ensure that all matters are given due consideration at the appropriate time in the financial year.