

Own Operations

We strive to reduce our energy usage in our transport, logistics and general operations, helping us to adhere to the following SDGs.



Responsible consumption and production

Lowering our impact on the environment and energy usage


Affordable and clean energy

Making sure we source and use sustainable energy


Climate action

We’re committed to doing business sustainably and responsibly

Our Ambition

In 2022, we engaged a consultant to assist us to develop updated, GHG emissions reduction targets in line with a 1.5°C model and consistent with the SBTi. As a result of the work in 2022, and early 2023 we developed targets and submitted our targets for approval to the SBTi. Our 2023 approved SBTi target is a 50% reduction of our Scope 1 & 2 and a 30% reduction of our Scope 3 emissions by 2030 compared to 2021 levels on a like-for-like basis.

We have set clear goals and commitments to targets in order to help protect the environment, these include the following:


SBTi approved GHG reduction targets for absolute reduction of Scope 1 & 2 emissions by 50% from a 2021 baseline by 2030.


SBTi approved GHG reduction targets for absolute reduction of Scope 3 emissions by 30% from a 2021 baseline by 2030.


90% landfill avoidance (i.e. 90% of our waste must not enter landfills) by 2030.


80% recycling rate by 2030.

Reduction in Energy Consumption

One of the pillars of our GHG emission reduction strategy is the reduction of energy consumption across our manufacturing footprint. In 2022, we started an energy efficiency programme. All manufacturing locations were thoroughly surveyed with respect to the building envelope and energy consuming processes. This data was validated by a selective audit process in 2023. We are developing an energy efficiency steering committee and a playbook for our plants to systematically address energy conservation moving forward based on these assessments.

Energy intensity

Intensity factor (CO2eT per €m revenue)

Energy intensity

Global electricity consumption (kWh)

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Overall we have seen a minor increase in GHG emissions in Scope 1 & 2 categories from 2021 to 2022, 258,042 CO2 e to 260,709 CO2 e or approximately 1.03% increase, respectively. This is well below the increase in overall revenue of over 8% from 2021 to 2022, and 11.5% from 2022 to 2023. In 2023, we saw a more significant increase in energy consumption but a net decrease of our Scope 1 & 2 emissions by approximately 15%.

Scope 1 emissions

Global Scope 1 emissions (CO2eT)

Scope 2 emissions

Global Scope 2 emissions (CO2eT)