Where can I find details of the current share price of TI Fluid Systems plc’s shares?
You can obtain the current market price of the Company’s shares by going to the share price page.
Where are TI Fluid Systems plc’s shares traded?
TI Fluid Systems plc’s shares are listed on the London Stock Exchange. The Company’s ticker symbol is TIFS.
How are dividends paid?
Dividends are usually paid in cash. Lost dividends cheques can be re-issued. You may obtain a replacement cheque by contacting our Registrar, Equiniti. Bank account details can also be lodged with Equiniti to get your dividends paid direct into your bank account on the payment date. You can change your dividend payment instructions online through the Equiniti Shareview Portfolio Service at
What do I need to do if my share certificate gets lost or damaged?
You should call the Registrar at Equiniti, on 0371 384 2030, to inform them that you have mislaid or damaged your certificate. They will send you a letter of indemnity to sign and return to them. The indemnity provides you with cover for any loss arising from a dispute over ownership of the missing shares. An administration fee is usually charged for this service.
How do I notify the Registrar of a change of address and/or change of name?
You can either update your details online through your Shareview Portfolio account ( or by contacting the Registrar, Equiniti, directly on 0371 384 2030. Lines are open 8.30am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday.
Can I receive shareholder documents electronically, rather than a hard copy by post?
Yes, electronic is our preferred method of communication to shareholders, bringing down the time it takes you to receive information from TI Fluid Systems plc in comparison to postal communications and with the added environmental benefit from producing less copies of publications, such as the Annual Report. To register to receive TI Fluid Systems plc shareholder publications electronically by email (such as Annual Reports, Notice of Annual General Meeting, or Notice of General Meetings) you need to register your email address with Equiniti on your Shareview Portfolio account and elect to receive electronic communications. Shareholders who choose to receive electronic copies can change their election at any time by contacting Equiniti.
Can I view details of my TI Fluid Systems plc shareholdings online?
You can view details of your shareholdings through Equiniti’s online Shareview Portfolio service. This facility can be accessed at Setting up an account is easy if you have not already done so, simply follow the instructions on the website. Please note that an activation code will be posted to you once you have completed the registration process and that you will not be able to undertake any transactions within Portfolio until you have activated your account with this code.