Occupational Health and Safety
Our ambition: To achieve world-class safety in every location we operate in.
The health and safety of our employees remains an overarching priority and is central to everything we do. We create safe working environments that protect our people from work-related injuries and illnesses.
To make sure we’re doing so, we report safety statistics to the Board at every meeting, including all potentially life-threatening incidents and lost time injury frequency (LTIF) for the organisation as a whole.
Corporate Safety Steering Committee
Consisting of the Chief Legal Officer and Chief HR Officer, the Divisional Executive Vice Presidents and the Global EHS Director, the committee is responsible for providing direction for our safety-related programmes. They determine our safety KPIs and objectives, and implement our safety strategy.
Our Corporate Safety Team helps to steer and implement policies and programmes approved by the Corporate Safety Steering Committee.
Each plant has a Safety Committee led by the plant manager, at least one other senior manager, and operators and supervisors working on the plant floor. Local safety committees’ mandates vary depending on the plant but generally include hazard identification and assessments, accident investigations, safety audits, safety training and personnel protective equipment recommendations.
LTIF Levels
Our LTIF has decreased from 2019 – and we believe this reduction has been driven, in part, by our strict COVID-19 protocols and regular safety meetings with EHS plant teams. The slight increase from 2020 to 2021 due to our initiative to have more accurate and timely safety reporting by our Asia Pacific plants. Overall, our LTIF compares very favourably to industry benchmarks.